Don't Fear Grit
Rob Taormina, social media marketing expert and award winning entrepreneur, features hard-working business owners from around the world to learn their secrets to success.
How do entrepreneurs get started? What are the hardest parts of starting a business in the first year? Did you ever want to quit your job? How did you overcome the challenges of owning a business? How do you define grit? What are the marketing strategies and advertising technologies being used by the top businesses?
We tackle the real day-to-day challenges actual business owners are facing today and the solutions they came up with to overcome.
Don't Fear Grit
STEP 7: Finalizing and Implementing Your Successful Marketing Plan
Prepare to dive headfirst into the final lap of our seven-part series on creating a successful marketing plan. We assure you, by the end of this episode, you'll be armed with the critical knowledge on how to effectively schedule your marketing strategies, the importance of taking immediate action, and the art of remaining flexible in the ever-changing market. Let's put all your learnings into action, waste no more time, and kickstart your marketing initiatives right away!
In the second part of our discussion, we'll address your fears and encourage you to trust the process that you've been part of all along. We promise to provide you with the essential tools needed to launch your marketing plans successfully. Learn how to adapt to changes and deal with unexpected competitors, turning potential hurdles into opportunities for success. Plus, we're excited to hear your feedback, and we can't wait to celebrate your success stories. So, come along and enjoy the final chapter of our insightful marketing plan series!
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This is the final step in creating a successful marketing plan. It's number seven. This is awesome, super easy. There are three components. Let's go ahead and put a bow on this particular series the seven steps of creating a successful marketing plan. Let's finish it out. This is, don't Fear, great with Wabtau-Ramina marketing strategies and advertising technologies to help you build a better business. Hey guys, welcome back.
Speaker 1:This has been such a fun topic to discuss the seven steps to creating a successful marketing plan. We've covered some incredible topics. If you're just finding this one without listening to the first six, where this could live on its own, my strong recommendation is go back, find step one and go through the whole series. This is amazing. This is like a crash course and there's a lot, a lot of value here. Honestly, if you are in advertising, if you're in marketing, if you hold the position in a company and you handle these types of tasks, this is really going to be valuable. This is like literally a million dollar stuff right here. Check that stuff out. I know you guys are going to be able to learn a ton from it.
Speaker 1:But the last step is super, super easy and I'll reveal what they are before we go into detail of what they are. It's really simple. It's schedule start. Flexibility. Sound simple, let's get into it.
Speaker 1:Number one is you want to create detailed schedules now for executing, implementing all of these plans, all this work that you just put into to create all these amazing stuff. Now you want to create a detailed schedule for them to be unveiled to them, to be released to the market, for them to if it's an advertising campaign on a certain type of platform. Now you want to start scheduling all that stuff out. Where the word detailed comes into play is you want it to be cohesive. You don't want it to just randomly populate the earth. There has to be, if you're applying the seven steps correctly, there is an order to things, there is a certain schedule to things, and you want to release that based on all of this amazing work that you just put into it. So make sure now that you're going through and you're creating a detailed scheduling plan to execute on all of this incredible stuff. So, whether, again, it's being you're introducing a brand new product, you're maybe re-branding your business, introducing a brand new business in its entirety, or whatever fill in the blank, it could be introducing a new member of your team, but that's going to be part of your marketing message. All these things play into what is the justification for creating a marketing plan. So now you have all that stuff. Now you need to create a detailed schedule. Don't be random about it. Don't be like let's just put it all out at the same time. There has to be intentionality behind what the schedule is for each little component, and make sure you do. Now you did all this work. You might as well go a little extra mile here and make sure you create a detailed schedule for all of this stuff.
Speaker 1:The second thing is start Right and I've used this word with so many clients because I think so many people struggle with actually now Just beginning, starting and executing and having the confidence now to bring that product up to the market and to to go live on it on a campaign. A lot of people will find excuses to not start. Oh, it's not perfect, oh, I didn't do this. Let me tell you something if you got the step seven, that means you've already done all the homework, you've done all the necessary Tasks in order to be able to have a successful marketing plan. Now you gotta trust yourself that you did all that stuff and you gotta just start, stop trying to find it another excuse that is just gonna delay you being able to deliver whatever it is that you're looking to deliver, right. So that's why I found myself quite often in meetings with clients when I'm realizing, after we're having some dialogue, after a few meetings now, after we've already gone through this whole process, now I'm hearing some repetition, some roadblocks, some barriers. I'm sensing that the issue is not the product, not on the plan, not on all this other stuff. The issue is confidence, and quite often I've had to sit down and literally say that our guys, we're ready to go, you're ready to go now. You know we're waiting for just to start. We don't have to do anything else. We are ready because we put the time and we respected the process. We've done all of our homework, we've had all of our teammates. They're all on board. Everyone knows their job. We've all now contributed All the things we've had to contribute, based on our roles and responsibilities. Now we just gotta start, we just gotta click that button and let it go live right. And so that's why, for this, you've got to be able to be comfortable and confident in the work that you put in, knowing that you are going to get the outcome that you want, because you already did that. So create a detailed schedule, start.
Speaker 1:The last part of this little step seven package is maintain flexibility. Oh my gosh, we cannot be so stubborn to the cause, because that's not gonna interfere with us being able to actually achieve success, because we need to maintain flexibility. If we are too rigid about our plan, then we are going to not be able to take advantage of the opportunities as they present themselves, because there are very variables that we can plan for, but variables that we cannot control. We cannot control change to market conditions. We cannot necessarily control the, the, the appearance of a brand new competitor to your market. As those things enter the picture, you need to maintain flexibility in your plan so that you can adapt and still be successful and, in many cases, be even more successful, because you're not going to be stubborn about it and now, as a result of your stubbornness in pride, people are able to gobble up your market share. No, you are going to be flexible about what it is that you're trying to accomplish, because you know ultimately it's a stepping stone to your success. So it's okay to be flexible. So that's why I included here a step seven.
Speaker 1:It's the last step, and creating on how to create a successful marketing plan is maintain flexibility. To sum up this particular last step here, three things, guys, all right, at this step, make sure now you create a detailed schedule. Create a detailed schedule for either implementation or a detailed schedule for all the people involved, so that they understand where their role, where what they've been working on, where it sort of enters the picture here. Make sure everyone is aware of that clear communication about that particular schedule. Now, if it's not internal, but now you're working on behalf of, like on a client, well, guess what you got to set proper expectations for your client as well. And so it's not about just scheduling, creating a detailed schedule for your campaigns, but now it's also about communicating that schedule to your clients, creating a detailed schedule for the client of when you're you're meant to hit various goals, and and that's very important too so that should be baked into this process of creating a detailed schedule.
Speaker 1:Second part is Make sure you just start, because at this point, if you get to this point in the seven steps, you're ready to go. You've done all the work, you and your team, and what you're trying to do. You trust me, you are ready to, as long as you did everything, all of these seven steps leading up to this. Right, you're ready to go. You need to trust the process. You need to trust yourself. You need to trust the people that you put in place in your team. You gotta start, you gotta just be able to click that button and go and rock it, because you're fully capable of doing that. You should trust yourself.
Speaker 1:And the third one flexibility. Maintain flexibility. Don't be that person who's like, nope, I'm not changing for anyone, for anything, it doesn't matter. Wrong, that stubbornness is gonna get you into trouble and it's just going to really risk failure for this particular project. But if you go into it well-planned, right, well-researched, then you should be confident about being able to maintain flexibility. If, in fact, there are things like I said before change in marketing conditions, the appearance of a brand new competitor right, those are things that you should pause and analyze and research and then understand all right, how does this play into what I'm doing? Can I maintain course or do I have to adapt in order to be able to achieve what I ultimately want?
Speaker 1:Right, if my plan is to go from point eight to point B, but then, all of a sudden, there's a barrier that gets put in place. Am I supposed to just try to go through this barrier? Maybe the option, and maybe it's even the better option as far as what benefits you and your team and your product and the outcome. Maybe it's to veer off a little bit, you never know right. But the problem is not the problem. But the thing is here make sure you just maintain flexibility, understanding, give yourself perspective. It's not the success is not making sure that every single part of your plan you have to check it off right. Don't be OCD about that If, as you're going, you're realizing oh okay, you know what, here's where I need to be a little bit more flexible, because I see I could be even more efficient, enable us to achieve our goal better. Be flexible if that was not included in your original plan.
Speaker 1:Guys, I hope you have enjoyed going through these seven steps with me. This is the seven steps to creating a successful marketing plan. Now, is this like the canon of marketing plans? Is it meaning that this is the only seven steps? No, there's definitely other things that you can do to help create successful marketing plans, and that's where that word flexibility comes in. Use this as a guideline to help yourself create your next successful marketing plan, because, ultimately, as long as you commit to it and you diligently do this, and you do this, maintaining flexibility, do diligence, you work hard, right, and then I see you being successful. So use these seven steps as a guide for your next marketing plan and I promise you you're gonna see incredible success.
Speaker 1:Guys, thank you so much for tuning in. As always, I appreciate you. You guys are amazing and this is a special community. We like to feed off of each other. We'd love to get your feedback. Find us wherever, don't Fear Grit is streaming, whether it be you're watching the video or you're listening on the podcast. Find us, don't Fear Grit. I'm Rob Teremina. Guys, remember, don't fear the process and don't fear grit. We'll see you next time.